Source code for nifpga.status

An set of status exception classes to be used when an NiFpga
function returns either a warning or error status.

Use check_status() to raise an appropriate exception if necessary.

Error and Warning exception class names are auto-generated from the
strings in 'codeToString' in this file.
For example, handle a fatal error like this:

    >>> @check_status('frob', ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])
    ... def frob(foo, bar, baz):
    ...     return -61141
    >>> try:
    ...     frob(0, 1, 2)
    ... except FpgaBusyError as e:
    ...     print(e)  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    Error: FpgaBusy (-61141) when calling 'frob' with arguments:
        foo: 0x0
        bar: 0x1
        baz: 0x2

Or handle a warning like this:

    >>> @check_status('frob', ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])
    ... def frob(foo, bar, baz):
    ...     return 61003
    >>> with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
    ...     frob(0, 1, 2)
    ...     print(w[0].message)  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    Warning: FpgaAlreadyRunning (61003) when calling 'frob' with arguments:
        foo: 0x0
        bar: 0x1
        baz: 0x2

Copyright (c) 2017 National Instruments
import functools
import warnings

def _raise_or_warn_if_nonzero_status(status, function_name, argument_names, *args):
    Helper for the 'check_status' decorator.

    Raises the proper ErrorStatus subclass or warns the proper WarnStatus
    subclass if status is not 0 (success).

    function_name: the name of the function, e.g. "NiFpga_ConfigureFifo"
        Used to make the exception message more useful.
    argument_names: list of names of the arguments to the function
        e.g. ["session", "fifo"]
    args: the arguments that were passed to the function

    'argument_names' and 'args' are used to make the exception message
    more useful, and to find the arguments after catching an exception if
    the function fails (e.g. 'e.get_args()["session"]').
    if status == 0:

    if status in codes_to_exception_classes:
        if status < 0:
            raise codes_to_exception_classes[status](function_name, argument_names, *args)
            warning = codes_to_exception_classes[status](function_name, argument_names, *args)
        if status < 0:
            raise UnknownError(status, function_name, argument_names, *args)
            warnings.warn(UnknownWarning(status, function_name, argument_names, *args))

def check_status(function_name, argument_names):
    Decorator (that takes arguments) to call a function and raise
    an appropriate subclass of Status if the
    returned status is not zero.
    Also validates that the number of parameters passed to the
    function is correct.

    function_name: the name of the function, e.g. "NiFpga_ConfigureFifo"
        Used to make the exception message more useful.
    argument_names: list of names of the arguments to the function
        e.g. ["session", "fifo"]
        Used to make the exception message more useful, and to find the
        arguments after catching an exception if the function fails
        (e.g. 'e.get_args()["session"]').
    def decorator(function):
        def internal(*args):
            if hasattr(function, "argtypes") and len(args) != len(function.argtypes):
                raise TypeError("%s takes exactly %u arguments (%u given)"
                                % (function_name, len(function.argtypes), len(args)))
            status = function(*args)
            _raise_or_warn_if_nonzero_status(status, function_name, argument_names, args)
        return internal
    return decorator

[docs]class Status(BaseException):
[docs] def __init__(self, code, code_string, function_name, argument_names, function_args): """ Base exception class for when an NiFpga function returns a non-zero status. Args: code (int): e.g. -52000 code_string (str) : e.g. 'MemoryFull' function_name (string): the function that returned the error or warning status. e.g. 'NiFpga_ConfigureFifo' argument_names (list): a list of the names of the arguments to the function. e.g. ["session", "fifo", "requested depth"] function_args (tuple) : a tuple of the arguments passed to the function. The order of argument_names should correspond to the order of function_args. e.g. '(session, fifo, depth)' """ self._code = code self._code_string = code_string self._function_name = function_name self._named_args = [] for i, arg in enumerate(function_args): self._named_args.append( { "name": argument_names[i], "value": arg }) # this is also necessary to properly reconstruct the object when # passing it between processes super(Status, self).__init__(self._code, self._code_string, self._function_name, self._named_args)
def get_code(self): return self._code def get_code_string(self): return self._code_string
[docs] def get_function_name(self): """ Returns a string for the functions name, """ return self._function_name
[docs] def get_args(self): """ Returns a dictionary of argument names to argument values of the function that caused the exception to be raised. Returns: arg_dict (dictionary): Converts ctypes args to their actual values instead of the ctypes instance. e.g. .. code-block:: python { "session":0x10000L, "fifo" : 0x0, ...} """ arg_dict = {} for arg in self._named_args: # ctypes types all have a member named 'value'. value = arg["value"].value if hasattr(arg["value"], "value") else arg["value"] arg_dict[arg["name"]] = value return arg_dict
def _stringify_arg(self, arg): """ Converts a function argument to a readable string for debugging. Stringify ctypes values, instead of the ctypes instance itself. Adds single quotes around strings (so it's obvious they are strings). Stringify numbers as hex to make it easier to decode bit packed sessions, attributes, etc. """ # ctypes types all have a member named 'value'. if hasattr(arg, "value"): return self._stringify_arg(arg.value) if isinstance(arg, str): return "'%s'" % arg try: return hex(arg) except TypeError: return str(arg)
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Returns the function name, status code, and arguments used. Example: .. code-block:: python Error: FifoTimeout (-50400) when calling 'Dummy Function Name' with arguments: session: 0xbeef fifo: 0xf1f0L data: 0xda7aL number of elements: 0x100L timeout ms: 0x200L elements remaining: 0x300L a bogus string argument: 'I am a string' """ arg_string = "" for arg in self._named_args: arg_string += "\n\t%s: %s" % (arg["name"], self._stringify_arg(arg["value"])) return "%s: %s (%d) when calling '%s' with arguments:%s" \ % ("Error" if self._code < 0 else "Warning", self._code_string, self._code, self._function_name, arg_string)
[docs]class WarningStatus(Status, RuntimeWarning): """ Base warning class for when an NiFpga function returns a warning (> 0) status. Useful if trying to catch warning and error status exceptions separately """ def __init__(self, code, code_string, function_name, argument_names, function_args): super(WarningStatus, self).__init__(code, code_string, function_name, argument_names, function_args)
[docs]class ErrorStatus(Status, RuntimeError): """ Base Error class for when an NiFpga function returns an error (< 0) status. Useful if trying to catch warning and error status exceptions separately """ def __init__(self, code, code_string, function_name, argument_names, function_args): super(ErrorStatus, self).__init__(code, code_string, function_name, argument_names, function_args)
class UnknownWarning(WarningStatus): def __init__(self, code, function_name, argument_names, function_args): super(UnknownWarning, self).__init__(code=code, code_string="Unknown code", function_name=function_name, argument_names=argument_names, function_args=function_args) class UnknownError(ErrorStatus): def __init__(self, code, function_name, argument_names, function_args): super(UnknownError, self).__init__(code=code, code_string="Unknown code", function_name=function_name, argument_names=argument_names, function_args=function_args) # Define error codes and their names. # Each code in this list will be codegened into two classes, e.g.: # FifoTimeoutError (for code -50400) # FifoTimeoutWarning (for code 50400) error_codes = [ (-50400, "FifoTimeout"), (-50405, "TransferAborted"), (-52000, "MemoryFull"), (-52003, "SoftwareFault"), (-52005, "InvalidParameter"), (-52006, "ResourceNotFound"), (-52007, "OperationTimedOut"), (-52008, "OSFault"), (-52010, "ResourceNotInitialized"), (-52012, "EndOfData"), (-52013, "ObjectNameCollision"), (-61003, "FpgaAlreadyRunning"), (-61018, "DownloadError"), (-61024, "DeviceTypeMismatch"), (-61046, "CommunicationTimeout"), (-61060, "IrqTimeout"), (-61070, "CorruptBitfile"), (-61072, "BadDepth"), (-61073, "BadReadWriteCount"), (-61083, "ClockLostLock"), (-61141, "FpgaBusy"), (-61200, "FpgaBusyFpgaInterfaceCApi"), (-61201, "FpgaBusyScanInterface"), (-61202, "FpgaBusyFpgaInterface"), (-61203, "FpgaBusyInteractive"), (-61204, "FpgaBusyEmulation"), (-61211, "ResetCalledWithImplicitEnableRemoval"), (-61212, "AbortCalledWithImplicitEnableRemoval"), (-61213, "CloseAndResetCalledWithImplicitEnableRemoval"), (-61214, "ImplicitEnableRemovalButNotYetRun"), (-61215, "RunAfterStoppedCalledWithImplicitEnableRemoval"), (-61216, "GatedClockHandshakingViolation"), (-61219, "ElementsNotPermissibleToBeAcquired"), (-61252, "FpgaBusyConfiguration"), (-61253, "CloseCalledWithResetNotSupported"), (-61254, "RunAfterStoppedNotSupported"), (-61499, "InternalError"), (-63003, "TotalDmaFifoDepthExceeded"), (-63033, "AccessDenied"), (-63038, "HostVersionMismatch"), (-63040, "RpcConnectionError"), (-63041, "RpcServerError"), (-63042, "NetworkFault"), (-63043, "RpcSessionError"), (-63044, "RpcServerMissing"), (-63050, "TriggerReserved"), (-63051, "TriggerNotReserved"), (-63080, "BufferInvalidSize"), (-63081, "BufferNotAllocated"), (-63082, "FifoReserved"), (-63083, "FifoElementsCurrentlyAcquired"), (-63084, "MisalignedAccess"), (-63085, "ControlOrIndicatorTooLarge"), (-63086, "OperationNotSupportedWhileStarted"), (-63087, "TypesDoNotMatch"), (-63101, "BitfileReadError"), (-63106, "SignatureMismatch"), (-63107, "IncompatibleBitfile"), (-63150, "HardwareFault"), (-63170, "PowerShutdown"), (-63171, "ThermalShutdown"), (-63180, "InvalidAliasName"), (-63181, "AliasNotFound"), (-63182, "InvalidDeviceAccess"), (-63183, "InvalidPort"), (-63184, "ChildDeviceNotInserted"), (-63192, "InvalidResourceName"), (-63193, "FeatureNotSupported"), (-63194, "VersionMismatch"), (-63195, "InvalidSession"), (-63196, "InvalidAttribute"), (-63198, "OutOfHandles"), ] # create an exception class for each error code and add to dictionary # ie FifoTimeoutWarning, FifoTimeoutError codes_to_exception_classes = {} _g = globals() for code, code_string in error_codes: # we need introduce a scope, otherwise code, and code_string # will all reference the same value. def add_classes(code, code_string): classname = code_string + 'Error' def __init__(self, function_name, argument_names, function_args): ErrorStatus.__init__(self, code=code, code_string=code_string, function_name=function_name, argument_names=argument_names, function_args=function_args) error_class = type(classname, (ErrorStatus,), {'__init__': __init__, 'CODE': code}) codes_to_exception_classes[code] = error_class # copy the exception type into module globals _g[error_class.__name__] = error_class classname = code_string + 'Warning' def __init__(self, function_name, argument_names, function_args): WarningStatus.__init__(self, code=-code, code_string=code_string, function_name=function_name, argument_names=argument_names, function_args=function_args) warning_class = type(classname, (WarningStatus,), {'__init__': __init__, 'CODE': -code}) codes_to_exception_classes[-code] = warning_class # copy the warning type into module globals _g[warning_class.__name__] = warning_class add_classes(code, code_string)